The Dime

Deciding on a Dose: Medical Cannabis Research with Dr. Jean Talleryand of MediCann

Episode Summary

Bryan Fields (Twitter: @bryanfields24) and Kellan Finney (Twitter: @Kellan_Finney) broke down the Medical Cannabis Industry with Dr. Jean Talleryand of MediCann. Dr Talleryand’s 20 years in the medical field make him an expert when it comes to Cannabis as a form of medicine. Listen now to hear Bryan, Kellan and Dr. Talleryand discuss the following: What is The Dosing Project™? Why is the medical industry slow to adapt to new changes? How does one decide if medical marijuana is a good fit? How are providers being educated on what products to pick? What are the most common uses for Medical Cannabis? Subscribe to The Dime Podcast on your favorite streaming service or by visiting:

Episode Notes

Bryan Fields (Twitter: @bryanfields24) and Kellan Finney (Twitter: @Kellan_Finney) broke down the Medical Cannabis Industry with Dr. Jean Talleryand of MediCann.

Dr Talleryand’s 20 years in the medical field make him an expert when it comes to Cannabis as a form of medicine. Listen now to hear Bryan, Kellan and Dr. Talleryand discuss the following:

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